Summer 2011 Newsletter

July 11, 2011 optimalhealthcenter No comments exist

Optimal Health Center- Summer 2011

Optimal Health News
Summer 2011
Dr. Chris Henderson
Naturopathic Doctor and Licensed Acupuncturist
Queen of the Valley Wellness Center; 3421 Villa Lane, Suite 2D; Napa, CA 94558
Optimal Health Center; 1705 Washington Street, Calistoga, CA 94515
Phone: (707) 942-1250
Up-Comming Talks
Queen of the Valley Wellness Center
3421 Villa Lane, Napa, CA
  • July 25th 6pm-7pm; Conference Room 1: Acupuncture and Natural Medicine for a Healthy Heart.
  • August 24th 6pm-7pm; Conference Room 1: Acupuncture and Natural Medicine for Healthy Digestion.
  • September 21st 6pm-7pm; Conference Room 1: Acupuncture and Natural Medicine for Cancer Support.

The Summer of Health

Summer is a time for fun and vitality. Along with the fun comes plenty of sun. Please remember to protect your skin with at least spf 15 sun screen (a cotton tee shirt only has a spf of 4-9) and be sure to take in nutrients such as a good multivitamin, extra vitamin E, and other antioxidants to protect against the damaging effects of UV radiation. Remember, the sun is our friend; vitamin D from the sun is vital for good health. Make sensible choices and have fun.
Acupuncture As Preventative Medicine
Most people consider acupuncture as a treatment for pain or another health problem. But, acupuncture is an excellent treatment to assist in preventing the occurence of disease. This is because acupuncture works to balance your energetic systems and improve organ functioning. Periodic assessment and appropriate treatment with acupuncture can help you live a healthier and pain free life.
All Hormone Replacement Therapy isn’t the same.
Not all hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the same. Bio-identical hormones are those which have the same structure and effect as the natural hormones produced by your body. These bio-identical hormones can be estrogens, progesterone, testerosterone, cortisol, DHEA or any other hormone produced by the body. Many HRT’s of the past were non bio-identical hormones produces from horse urine or synthesized to be similar but not “indentical” to natural hormones. Studies have shown that these non bio-identical hormones can have toxic effects in the body and contibute to the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia. This is not the case with bio-indentical hormones which have protective and repairing effects. The best way to administer bio-identical hormone is through transdermal cream or gel and sublingually. This allows the hormone to by-pass the first pass effect of the liver which can often convert the hormone to less desireable metabolites. For more information on bio-identical hormones or to have you hormones evaluated, contact my office at 707-942-1250.
Rejuvination Medicine
A long and healthy life is something for which most people strive. But, that goal often seems elusive in a life that can be harried, stressful, and not conducive to healthy living. Studies have shown that there are definite factors which can improve and extend life in humans. These include:
  • Regular exercise.
  • A lower calorie, low glycemic index, and whole food diet.
  • Decreasing your body’s response to stress, through meditation, and relaxation exercises.
  • Supplementation with essential macro and micro nutrients needed for healthy physiological functioning such as vitamins, mineral, and antioxidants.
  • Hormonal support and balancing through supplementation with appropriate bio-indentical hormones and their precursors.

Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone (hGH) is a substance in your body which has been getting lots of attention in the rejuvination medicine circles. This hormone has been shown to be important for health skin, bone, cardiovascular, and muscle tissues. Levels of hGH begin to decrease at around age 30 and are often much lower by age 60. Studies have show that supplementing with hGH can increase lean muscle mass, improve skin elasticity, and improve overall health. The test most often used to measure the levels of hGH in your body is called Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) assay. This test measures the levels of IGF-1, another growth factor directly linked to hGH levels. By measuring IGF-1, we can get a good indication as to whether you need support to increase your hGH levels. Often, hGH is given by injection in a clinic, but there are other ways to increase hGH levels. Certain combinations of amino acids and nutrients will also increase hGH and improve your health in the same way. Call me at 707-942-1250 to schedule a time for us to discuss your rejuvination medicine options.
pH Balance and Health

Your body is a well balanced system which is kept in balance by various homeostatic mechanisms. pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration in a fluid. We usually think of it as being either acid, neutral, or alkaline. The body regulates pH very closely because various crucial metabolic processes need a specific pH in which to operate. For instance, the blood is kept at a very constant pH of about 7.3. If it varies to much from this level, you will die fairly quickly. Many enzymes in the body need an alkaline (above 7) environment in which to function. As the tissue or fluid becomes more acid (below 7) these enzymes do not work well and health problems can occur. The main ways that we get rid of extra hydrogen ions (acid) from our systems is through the urine, saliva, stomach acid, and skin. The pH of saliva should be around 7-7.5 in a healthy person, urine should be about 5.5-6.5. When the pH of these fluids shift too much from there optimal levels, this can be an indicator of excess acid in the system, often followed by ill health. By measuring salivary and urinary pH, you can determine which food and supplements are optimizing your internal pH. Also, you can use the pH to track times of ill health (such as fatigue, colds/flu, headaches, etc.) so as too know whether your body has become too acidic or too alkaline. Then you can adjust your diet and supplementation to balance the pH of your internal environment. This technique of checking pH can be an excellent way to keep in touch with how changes in your internal environment are influenced by the food we eat, things we drink, and the supplements we take. Call me to find out more about how you can start using this proactive assessment tool. I have pH paper available and charts to allow you to follow your own changes.

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