Star Trek Medicine

March 28, 2016 optimalhealthcenter No comments exist

Star Trek Medicine

A local doctor is utilizing an innovative approach for helping patients heal faster. Doctor Chris Henderson, a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist with offices in Napa and Calistoga began using Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) after being trained in this system last December 2014. “I had wanted to train in FSM for several years since first hearing about it while a naturopathic medicine and acupuncture student in Seattle” says Doctor Henderson. I finally completed the training and have been very pleased with the treatment results. I have used regular microcurrent therapy with patients in the past for pain and musculo-skeletal injuries, but adding the tissue specific frequencies has increased the effectiveness and variety of conditions that can be treated.
Microcurrent is a “physiological” current which is similar to electric currents produced by the body to heal itself. “Our bodies are continually producing very weak electrical currents that are used to communicate between organs and tissues. There is a “current of injury” that is produced when your body is injured that stimulates the healing process. These physiological currents are in the microampere (one millionth or 10-6 of an ampere)¬ to picoampere (10-12 of an ampere) range and have been proven to help stimulate substances in the cells and tissues such as ATP and protein. Microcurrent has been shown to increase ATP by 500%, increase protein synthesis by 70%, increase cellular transport by 40%, increase acute wound and bone healing by 200% .
The FDA has approved Microcurrent therapy for the following conditions:
1. To increase local blood flow and circulation.
2. To increase range of motion.
3. To decrease muscular spasm.
4. For neuro-muscular reeducation.
5. To prevent or retard muscular tissue atrophy.
6. For the treatment of calf (lower leg) venous thrombosis.
7. Treatment of nerve and muscle damage caused by accident or injury.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent takes the healing effects another step by adding in tissue specific frequencies which increase the healing effect of microcurrent and allows Dr. Henderson to target various tissues for healing and repair.
I call FSM “star trek medicine” because it reminds me of the technology and machines used in the popular science fiction show which use non-pharmaceutical therapies and energy to heal injuries on the Star Ship Enterprise.
I have been amazed at how profound the effects can be. One example is an 87 years old woman who has had multiple health problems through out her life. She was on oxygen daily and very fatigued when she started FSM treatment in March 2014. Because of her past head injuries from falls and hitting her head on cabinets and the car, I decided to do a “concussion protocol” used for head injuries, almost immediately she noticed the difference in her mental clarity and energy. She has been able to go off oxygen and is a much more energetic and happy person. As treatments progressed, medical assessments have shown that prior diagnosed thyroid nodules and carotid artery stenosis have resolved. Also, I have used FSM on pain in her knee do to degenerative joint disease and she has been able to walk without pain. Most recently, she had a stroke which caused severe double vision. I used frequencies for bleeding in the brain and to improve healing of her brain cortex and her double vision improved immediately after treatment. Her opthamologist stated that she had never seen such rapid recovery.
Another case involves a 60 years old woman army veteran with PTSD and chronic bowel problems from scar tissue adhesions after a hysterectomy. Using the frequencies to help dissolve scar tissue, improve bowel functioning, and reduce anxiety, she was amazed how improved she felt with treatment.
Doctor Henderson can be reached at 707-942-1250 for questions or to schedule an appointment.
Dr. Chris Henderson
Wellness Center; 3421 Villa Lane, Suite 2D, Napa, CA 94558
Optimal Health Center; 1705 Washington Street, Suite. M, Napa, CA 94515

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